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Facial Rejuvenation

What is facial rejuvenation?

Facial rejuvenation is a state-of-the-art laser treatment. It uses the TimeWalker® Fotona4D®, a next-generation Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser to treat common oral health problems, including temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) and snoring. Treatment with the TimeWalker is quick, virtually pain-free, and requires no downtime.

The Fotona4D is also capable of aesthetic treatments and can minimize wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Depending on your goals for treatment, there are several different techniques the team might recommend, including:
The team conducts each treatment in-office, with most appointments taking less than 90 minutes.
What types of problems can facial rejuvenation treat?

 At Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center, the team uses facial rejuvenation to treat several problems, including:


TMJ affects more than 10 million Americans. It’s a common condition characterized by aching facial pain, difficulty chewing, and frequent headaches. Facial rejuvenation uses special cold laser technology to reduce inflammation affecting the temporomandibular joints. A series of treatments can minimize swelling and significantly reduce your pain.


Snoring isn’t just annoying for your significant other. In some cases, it may point to a more serious underlying health problem like obstructive sleep apnea. Facial rejuvenation uses targeted laser energy to tighten loose tissues at the back of your mouth. It’s a safe and proven way to reduce snoring.


As you age, your skin loses its elasticity and begins to wrinkle and sag. Facial rejuvenation uses targeted bursts of laser energy to tighten your skin and encourage the production of new collagen. When combined, these processes revitalize your skin, making it appear younger and more supple. This younger, more supple skin improves chewing function.

Non-Surgical facelifts

A non-surgical facelift goes beyond addressing wrinkles and fine lines. The synergistic non-invasive laser treatments treat both the exterior of the face as well as the interior oral cavity, producing full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent tightening and volumization without injectables. Anti-aging is then comprehensively approached from 4 different levels, working on the deeper, medical, and superficial connective structures, leaving tighter, firmer skin with increased elasticity and tone.

How many facial rejuvenation treatments will I need?

The number of facial rejuvenation treatments you’ll need depends on the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your quality of life. Usually, the team at Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center recommends a minimum three appointments spaced over six weeks. For most facial rejuvenation therapies, it is standard to have one treatment for every decade of life. Results typically last for a year and sometimes longer.

Is facial rejuvenation safe?

Facial rejuvenation is safe and typically well-tolerated. No anesthesia or downtime is required, meaning you can return to work or other routine activities right away.

What’s more, facial rejuvenation is entirely laser-based. You don’t have to wear a nightguard or a special oral appliance, allowing for restful and rejuvenating sleep.

To learn more about the benefits of facial rejuvenation, request a consultation at Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center. Give us a call to set up an appointment today!

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